by Care Team | Jun 26, 2023 | Faculty Webinar - PhysioU
You came, you saw, and you augmented your lab handouts! This week, join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Education Lead at PhysioU, for a top-level discussion about advanced features and key strategies to decrease faculty burden, support the next-generation learner, and...
by Care Team | Jun 23, 2023 | Faculty Webinar - OTu
Join Dr. Yvonne Randall, EdD, MHA, OTR/L, FAOTA for a discussion related to moving student learning across Bloom’s Taxonomy from knowledge through creation using OTu. 00:00 Yvonne Randall Introduction 01:20 Introduction to Chris Schmidt & James...
by Care Team | Jun 22, 2023 | Faculty Webinar - ATu
Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a one-hour session on using the ROM, MMT, and Palpation app with corresponding e-learning simulations to enhance your teaching and improve student outcomes. Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am...
by Care Team | Jun 22, 2023 | Faculty Webinar - PhysioU
New app alert: you asked, and we listened! The new Mental Health App is live and ready for your classroom. Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Education Lead at PhysioU, for a deep dive into the mental health app, the newest addition to the PhysioU suite of apps. This...
by Care Team | Jun 6, 2023 | Faculty Webinar - ATu
Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a one-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps across the athletic training curriculum to develop students’ motor skill performance. Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST 00:00 Chris...