by Alex Polamero | Aug 5, 2022 | Products, Simulations
Our team continues to update our apps and simulations in accordance with updated literature and guidelines. We highly value user feedback as this helps us to improve our users’ experience with the simulations. Recently, our neuroanatomy, assistive devices, acute...
by Alex Polamero | Mar 28, 2022 | Simulations
Nothing helps more with integration of knowledge than the PhysioU microlearning and simulations series for wound care. With this first installment, PhysioU has partnered with certified wound care specialists and professors who have...
by Alex Polamero | Oct 29, 2021 | Faculty, Simulations
PhysioU is delighted to announce new simulation & microlearning modules that have just been added to the web app. Prepare for tests and quizzes Self-knowledge checksDevelop clinical reasoningBoard exam test preparation Sign in to experience & explore Acute...
by Alex Polamero | Aug 20, 2021 | Faculty, Simulations
The ProblemThe one-way transfer of knowledge as traditionally provided by the Sage on the Stage …. did not necessarily improve during this Pandemic by the Well-intentioned professor on Zoom! (Speaking about myself and probably many others!)This year many colleagues...
by Alex Polamero | Jul 22, 2021 | Complete Rehab Guide, CPR, Education, Faculty, Products, Simulations
In 2020, PhysioU provided free access to all of it’s learning apps to support students and educators across the globe during the pandemic. We appreciate all the feedback and kind words of support! One thing we as educators missed the most, was creating experiences...