Fundamental Skills: ROM/MMT, and Surface Anatomy Palpation Apps and SIMs for your Classroom

Faculty Webinar - PhysioU

Let’s go back to basics with key motor skill learning for ROM, MMT, and Surface Anatomy Palpation during this week’s Faculty Friday webinar! Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Education Lead at PhysioU, will provide an overview of our fundamental skills suite, focusing on the ROM/MMT and Surface Anatomy Palpation apps, as well as e-learning materials and simulations for your classroom. See you there!



00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

02:20 Webinar Overview

02:53 Common Challenges

06:30 PhysioU suite apps

09:06 ROM, MMT, and Palpation app

34:43 Surface Anatomy Palpation app

50:37 ROM, MMT, and Palpation Simulations

56:33 PTA Faculty Panel

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