Product Update Log
Our team continues to update all evidence-based apps and eLearning/simulations modules in accordance with updated literature and guidelines. This product update log tracks all changes that are released each month. In addition to the latest evidence and guidelines, many of these changes are feedback from our faculty, clinician, and student users.
Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback and continuing to help us build a better educational tool for the healthcare community!
December 2024
Exercise Patterns App
- Added three wrist flexion strengthening exercises to Elbow Pain and Power Deficits page
Neuro Rehab App
- Newly added! Management of a patient with “Pusher Syndrome”
- Available under Bed Mobility → Seated
November 2024
MSK Guidelines Fundamentals Course (Chinese)
- Newly added!
- Low Back Pain with Generalized Pain
- Low Back Pain with Movement Coordination Impairments
- Low Back Pain with Lower Extremity (Related) Pain
- Low Back Pain with Radiating Pain
- Low Back Pain with Mobility Deficits
- Hamstring Strain
- Knee Pain with Mobility Deficits
- Nonarthritic Hip Pain
- Hip Pain and Mobility Deficits – Hip OA
- Patellofemoral Pain
- Knee Ligament Sprain
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Ankle Sprain
- Heel Pain – Plantar Fasciitis
MSK Guidelines Fundamentals Course
- Concussion and Mild TBI
- Updated the hyperlink to the Vestibular Oculomotor Screening (VOMS) assessment tool
- Low Back Pain with Lower Extremity Pain
- Passing score changed to 80%
- One question corrected
Neuroanatomy App
- “Learn By Tract”
- Closed captions are now available for all of the “Explainer Videos”
Professional Behaviors Sim
- Navigation error corrected with “next” button added
September 2024
Physical Agents Simulation
- IFC: Low Back Sim
- Question 3 – Answer choices modified to include “prone on pillows,” which is the new correct answer
- Question 4 – feedback added to explain why pre-mod is not the appropriate setting for this case
Cardiopulmonary Simulations
- EKG: Ventricular Rhythms
- The incorrect answer was previously marked as correct. This has been resolved.
- Question 6: Which of the following scenarios is NOT a medical emergency?
Cardiopulmonary App
- Updated Rubor of Dependency instructions
Medical Screening App
- Added volumetric assessment of the hand and wrist to the app for integumentary and hematologic/lymphatic systems
- Updated videos for upper extremity and lower extremity clonus
MSK Guidelines Fundamentals Course
- BRAND NEW! Lateral Elbow Pain Module
- Available in English and Chinese
- Neck Pain with Radiating Pain
- Translation error corrected (Chinese)
- Question 8 video error corrected (Chinese and English)
Neuro Case Studies App
- Remaining closed captions have been added
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Stairs – replaced with a whole flight of stairs
- TUG – replaced with correct verbal instructions to “walk past the tape,” rather than around
- OT Subjective – brand new!
- New Videos!
NeuroExam App
- Updated videos for upper extremity and lower extremity clonus
Neuro Rehab App
- Remaining closed captions have been added
- MacroSIM: Interactive Evaluation
- History: Added a “Resource” tab to make PDF’s of each objective test available for learners
- Outcome Measures 1: Added a “Resource” tab to make PDF’s of each objective test available for learners
- Outcome Measures 2: Added a “Resource” tab to make PDF’s of each objective test available for learners
Orthopaedics App
- Spinal Stenosis: Clinical Findings
- Updated video to match common patient presentation based on literature
- Added Fortin’s Finger Test
- Updated videos for upper extremity and lower extremity clonus
- Updated video for lower extremity dermatome screen
ROM, MMT, and Palpation App
- Updated video for wrist ulnar deviation
August 2024
Post-Op App
- Ankle Fracture ORIF
- Four references were replaced with 13 newer research articles
- Based on the newest literature, the rehab phases were changed (with a 5th new phase called “Early to Unrestricted Return to Sport”)
- The following content was modified for each of the 5 phases based on the current research: Goals, problems, precautions, and criteria to progress to next phase
Neuro Simulations
- Neuro Rehab Macro Sim: Interactive Evaluation
- Objective Testing #1 and #2 – PDFs of objective tests are available via the resources tab
- Neuroanatomy Challenge #1
- Previous simulation had an issue allowing users to achieve a high of 95%. The issue was resolved so a score of 100% is now achievable.
Orthopaedics App and Special Tests App
- Figure-of-eight test for swelling (wrist)
- Video replace with higher quality
MSK Guidelines Fundamentals Course
- Ankle Stability and Movement Coordination Deficits
- Updated triggers to improve ease of transitions between the different ligament slides
- Knee Pain and Mobility Deficits
- Two question slides were corrected – videos were modified to match correct answer choices
July 2024
OTu Curricular Standards
- Updated OTu’s Curricular Standards Guide to match the new ACOTE Accreditation Standards
- Updated all apps to include their specific references to the ACOTE Accreditation Standards
Neuroanatomy Challenges
- Challenge #1
- Decreased sensitivity of fill-in-the blank questions so learners will achieve the correct answer whether a trailing space is added or not
MSK Guidelines Fundamentals Course (Chinese)
- Concussion and Mild TBI
- Corrected translation errors and moved text box for three fill-in-the-blank questions to ensure users understand the questions so they can achieve their earned score
MMF Ortho Mini Sims
- Heel Pain Sim
- Removed calcaneal glides from the objective testing results (as they are synonymous with subtalar glides)
- Question 7 was modified. Low level laser was removed as an answer choice due to low level of evidence for it.
Orthopedics App
- Ottawa Knee Rules video was added (Chinese & English)
- Diagnosis: Cervical Sprain Strain page changed from “Acute – cervical ice pack” to “Subacute – cervical ice pack”
- Reference was changed to revised 2017 Neck Pain Guideline (previously showed 2008 Neck Pain Guideline) (Chinese & English)
MMF Ortho Mini Sims (Chinese)
- Added Chinese answer key to Neck Pain with Radiating Pain simulation
MMF Ortho Mini Sims
- Low Back Pain with Referred Pain
- Removed Question 3 so learners can focus more on centralization procedures rather than the level of the disc bulge
MSK Guidelines Fundamentals Course
- Low Back Pain with Radiating Pain module
- Triggers were corrected so learner can successfully navigate to the end of the module with keyboard or mouse
- Low Back Pain with Generalized Pain
- Triggers were adjusted so learner can more easily navigate from Interventions: motor control training for prevention of recurrence
- Knee Pain and Mobility Deficits
- Section 4 was removed to allow learners to complete the module successfully
June 2024
- Overhauled Interventions menu to include a wider range of techniques
- Updated videos for accessibility
- Added LSVT BIG content to Large Amplitude Training
- Added multi-angle videos for manipulations
Physical Agents Sims
- Iontophoresis for the Upper Extremity
- Corrected typo that read “interferential current” in Question 1
ROM, MMT, & Palpation
- Added Subtalar Neutral assessment in weightbearing and non-weightbearing to ankle range of motion menu
- Updated text for hyphema and orbital fractures
May 2024
Professional Behaviors Module (Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management)
- Improved simulation with easier access!
- Four question slides, feedback, and transition slides were added
- Debrief slide added with open-ended reflection questions
- Available now on the main website
MSK Guideline Fundamentals Course
- Closed captions were added to all videos in the following modules:
- Neck Pain with Radiating Pain
- Neck Pain with Movement Coordination Impairments
- Neck Pain with Mobility Deficits
- Neck Pain with Headache
AT Mini Sims
- Football Conditioning Simulation
- “Thumbs up” button was adjusted so it is easier to click
Ankle Stability and Movement Coordination Impairments
- Question 7 – triggers were fixed to allow videos to play correctly when user selects an image
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome CPG Module
- Incorrectly titled slides about PFPS classification were corrected
CA Jurisprudence Exam Preparation Package
- Practice Exam #1
- Question 19 incorrectly asked about Physical Therapist License Applicant (PTLA) rather than Physical Therapist Assistant License Applicant (PTALA). This has been corrected.
- Module 7
- Section titles were corrected for sections 1b-3
- Module 5 Introduction Sim
- Is now loading properly
Acute Care App
- Added accepted normal vital sign measurements for patients across the lifespan
Cardiopulmonary App
- Added accepted normal vital sign measurements for patients across the lifespan
Orthopaedics App
- Added the following techniques to “All techniques”
- Shoulder Internal Rotation MWM
- Shoulder Impingement Test
- Shoulder Elevation AROM With Over Pressure
- Posterior Apprehension Test
- Sternoclavicular Joint Mobilization
- Shoulder Locking
- Shoulder Quadrant
- Functional Movement Hand Behind Back
- Internal Rotation Resisted Strength Test
- Lateral Scapular Glide Test
- Clunk Test
- Functional Movement Hand Behind Head
- AC Resisted Extension Test
Neurorehab App
- Updated closed captions for some videos
- Updated text for Irradiation
- Updated links to lab handouts
ROM, MMT, & Palpation App
- Updated research references to include reliability and validity of handheld dynamometry
- Added Handheld Dynamometry Lab Handouts to Teaching Content
April 2024
Ortho Mini Simulation
- 20-Year-Old Female with Knee Pain
- The correct answer for Question 1 was changed from moderate irritability to high irritability due to patient’s levels of pain and complaints
Ortho Macro Simulation
- 30-Year-Old Male with Low Back Pain Simulation
- Learners’ scores were not recorded properly. This issue has been resolved and learners can now track their progress successfully.
Neuro Macro Simulation
- CVA Case Study Macro Simulation had a scoring error. The highest score a learner was able to receive previously was 88.88%. This has been resolved and learners can score 100%
- Hint button was added to the final intervention question to remind learners of the 4 outcome measures performed earlier in the simulation.
- Additional slide was added prior to the last slide to encourage learners to discuss their treatment plans with a peer.
- Added a clinical pearl PDF from the Academy of Neurologic PT about the use of AFOs post-stroke.
Wound Care MicroLearning
- Question 16 of the Lymphedema micro learning sim was corrected. Multiple response question regarding the role of lymph nodes was changed from create lymphocytes to “store lymphocytes”
March 2024
Neuro Exam App
- Removed joint movement sense video from the proprioception testing section to prevent confusion. Joint movement sense is more directly related to kinesthesia, not proprioception. Joint position sense testing remains in the proprioception section.
Orthopedic MacroSim
- 60-Year-Old Male with Knee OA
- Intervention Question 1 – Link to RACGP Guidelines was fixed so learners can read and review the guideline before answering the question.
Neuroanatomy Play to Learn (also available in Neuro Mini Sims app)
- Question 1 (fill-in-the-blank) was not scoring properly. Settings have been adjusted to the learner will receive adequate points for correct answers
ROM, MMT, and Palpation App
- Added additional handheld dynamometry videos with stabilization strap for the following movements:
- Ankle dorsiflexion
- Elbow extension and flexion
- Hip flexion
- Knee flexion
- Shoulder flexion, extension, abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation
- Added videos for the following techniques:
- Bunnel Littler tightness
- Clinical Prediction Rule pediatric wrist fracture
- IP accessory mobility dorsal glides
- IP accessory mobility volar glides
- IP collateral ligament stress test
- MCP accessory mobility dorsal glides
- MCP accessory mobility volar glides
- MCP collateral ligament stress test
- median nerve compression test
- midcarpal accessory mobility traction
- Mobilization with movement IP flexion
- Palpation of the radius
- Palpation of the ulna
- Radioulnar ligament integrity test
- TFCC load test
- Thenar atrophy palpation
- Trigger finger test
- Ulnar snuff box
February 2024
Physical Agents Sims
- IFC for the Low Back
- Question 5 had the wrong answer marked as correct. Answer was changed from “a tolerable tingling sensation” (correct if acute pain is present) to “visible muscle contraction” which is correct for the case of chronic pain
All Simulations!
- The retry buttons at the end of all simulations have been deleted due to the problems they were causing with learners’ score recording.
- All simulations now function properly and record the learners’ scores with each attempt. Learners are still able to play through simulations as many times as desired. They simply need to exit the simulation and click “begin activity” again!
Acute Care Sims
- Title changed to: “61-Year-Old Male Post Total Hip Arthroplasty”
Ortho Sims
- Low Back Pain with Radiating Pain Mini Sim
- SOAP note review slide incorrectly stated that the patient has high irritability. This was corrected to read moderate irritability.
Wound Care Sims
- Diabetic Neuropathy Macro Sim
- Refined objectives and elaborated overview slide
- Added a debrief slide so learners can review the following: objective of the sim, the outcome, reflection questions, and action items
- Corrected typos
- Updated educator information to match refined objectives
Educator Dashboard
- New feature! Added ability to add custom subheadings to the class assignments list to improve organization
Physical Agents Sims
- Iontophoresis for the Upper Extremity Mini SIM
- Refined objectives and elaborated overview slide
- Changed duration from 10 to 15 minutes
- Added objective information
- Added new question (Question 7) inquiring learners about what they should have done to ensure patient safety and comfort during iontophoresis application
- Added a debrief slide so learners can review the following: objective of the sim, the outcome, reflection questions, and action items
- Updated educator information to match refined objectives
Lines and Tubes App
- Added Occupational Therapist Assistant Case Studies
- 26 Year Old Female Post MVA
- 32 Year Old Female With Cancer
- 41 Year Old Female Post CVA
- 45 Year Old Female With Fever
- 59 Year Old Male With Colon Cancer
January 2024
Acute Care Sims
- Added text to “Educator Info” sections for several simulations
Diagnostic Imaging Sims
- Added text to “Educator Info” sections for several simulations
Orthopedics Sims
- Added text to “Educator Info” sections for several simulations
Physical Agents Sims
- Added text to “Educator Info” sections for several simulations
ROM, MMT, and Palpation App
- Added handheld dynamometry content to the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and ankle/foot menus
- Updated open-pack/closed-pack positions tables for readability
- Corrected typos
Wound Care Sims
- Added text to “Educator Info” sections for several simulations
Posture Mini Simulation
- Left Low Back Pain Mini SIM
- Question 9 incorrectly stated the patient’s left glute medius was weak. This was corrected to read patient’s RIGHT glute med was weak.
Physical Agents Simulation
- TENS Low Back, Patient B Mini SIM
- Replaced image of patient to increase quality
Acute Care Sims
- Standard Precautions MicroLearning
- Corrected results settings so score is recorded properly and available for download via learning report
Wound Care Sims
- Diabetic Neuropathy Macro SIM
- The title of this sim was changed to “65-Year-Old Male with a Foot Ulcer” to be more descriptive, to match the naming convention of other simulations, and to avoid giving an answer away that the learner is asked later on.
- Venous Leg Ulcer Macro SIM
- The title of this sim was changed to “62-Year-Old Male with a Leg Ulcer” to be more descriptive, to match the naming convention of other simulations, and to avoid giving an answer away that the learner is asked later on.
Neuro Sims
- Five Times Sit to Stand Mini SIM
- The button placements were adjusted in the activity where learner times the patient as he performs his 5 times sit to stand test so they are not blocking the video
Ortho Sims
- Plantar Fasciitis Mini SIM
- Special test video, Lower Limb Neurodynamic Test, was not loading properly, but has been fixed.
- Question 3 was revised and placed later in the simulation. It now reads: “Which of the following do you suspect considering your new measurements?” The correct answer is decreased gastrocnemius length.
- Achilles Tendinopathy Mini SIM
- Objective pyramid slide incorrectly stated the left Achilles tendon was thicker than the right. This was reversed so the affected (right) ankle has a thicker tendon
- Lateral Ankle Sprain Mini SIM
- Objective review slide incorrectly stated the left ankle’s figure 8 girth was greater than right. This was corrected to read that the right figure 8 girth is greater than the left
December 2023
Posture Sims
- Right Shoulder Pain (58 year-old male)
- Typos on the clinical reasoning slide were corrected
Antepartum & Postpartum Sims
- 29 Year Old Pregnant Woman with Pelvic Girdle Pain
- Included a safety tip regarding the use of hot packs during pregnancy and childbirth
Diagnostic Imaging Sims
- Bilateral Knee Pain (36 year-old Male)
- Question 5 – rephrased answer choice to include that clinicians can order imaging or refer patient out for imaging, depending on their state’s jurisdiction
- Question 9 – changed the question to read: “Which of the following options would help to gain muscle strength” with the correct answer being: “Quad sets with NMES.’ Information and literature regarding BFR is included in this question’s feedback as it is one of the answer choices.
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation App
- Corrected closed captioning for Mediate Percussion
November 2023
Ortho Sims
- BRAND NEW! Pelvic Girdle Pain Simulation
- In this simulation, you will experience a live evaluation with a clinician and an antepartum patient. You’ll become familiar with the new “Pelvic Girdle Pain in the Antepartum Population: Physical Therapy Clinical Practice Guidelines..(2017).”
- You will learn what modifications to make to ensure your evaluation and treatment is safe for this patient.
- Your clinical reasoning and knowledge will be challenged as you determine the most appropriate treatment intervention, patient education, and home exercise program.
- Watch how your skills help this patient!
Acute Care Interactive Review
- BRAND NEW! Intensive Care Unit Simulation
- With this simulation, learners will become more familiar with the intensive care unit (ICU), which is often an intimidating environment for students. Learners will be able to:
- Read a patient’s history and physical exam
- Analyze his medical chart
- Test their knowledge of lines and tubes in the ICU
- Guide the examination and treatment processes
- Refine clinical reasoning skills
- Practice goal setting
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation App
- Corrected typo in Lower chest mobility
October 2023
Pregnancy and Postpartum Simulations
- BRAND NEW! DeQuervain’s (Postpartum) Mini Simulation
- Take a dive into a case-based simulation of a young woman who is postpartum experiencing thumb pain. You will learn how to evaluate, treat, and educate this patient as well as how to use custom bracing. Your clinical reasoning skills will be strengthened as you adjust your approach based on your patient’s response to treatment.
- BRAND NEW! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Mini Simulation (Prenatal)
- Take a dive into a case-based simulation of a young pregnant woman who is experiencing wrist and hand pain. You will learn how to evaluate, treat, and educate a woman in this specific patient population. You will also learn how to create and implement a custom wrist splint!
Ortho Mini Simulations
- All Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Foundation Sims (20) have been updated with the following:
- New CPG summary slides
- Objective info has been turned into tables for ease of reading and understanding
Physical Agents Simulation
- Interferential Current: Upper Extremity – Corrected typo on first question slide.
- Iontophoresis: Upper Extremity – Corrected typo on the first question slide.
Acute Care Simulations
- First MiniSIM ever: 61 Year-old Male Post Total Hip Arthroplasty
- This case-based simulation includes a real patient who underwent a THA and is receiving inpatient rehabilitation.
All Apps and Simulations
- Added “Resources” section with App Information, Curricular Standards Guide, and Teaching Content
- App Information includes an app description, list of clinical contributors, and when applicable, a short walkthrough video of the app
- Curricular Standards Guides based on profession and country (US only for now)
- Teaching Content offers lab handouts and clinical reasoning worksheets for select apps
Curricular Standards
- PT Curricular Standards & PTA Curricular Standards
- Updated to include standards for new apps and simulations
- AT Curricular Standards
- Updated to include standards for new apps and simulations
- OT Curricular Standards
- Updated to include standards for new apps and simulations
Mental Health App
- Updated to filter screening tools and therapeutic techniques relevant to each classification of disorder
- Added full list of screening tools and therapeutic techniques to main menu for easy access
ROM, MMT, and Palpation App
- Added open/closed pack position for the wrist/hand
September 2023
Curricular Standards
- PT Curricular Standards & PTA Curricular Standards
- Updated standards for new app releases including medical screening, adaptive equipment, mental health, vision, and for other existing content
Developmental Milestones
- Alberta Infant Motor Scale
- Updated broken links
- ASIA Sensory Exam
- Updated S3, S4, S5, and ASIA Overview to reflect new verbiage
- Reordered menu to begin with cervical segments
- Added links to pdf of outcome measures for a variety of tests
- Fixed minor table formatting errors on the Mini-BESTest and STREAM outcome measures
Neuro Sims
- Interactive Evaluation
- Moved from “MiniSIM” to “MacroSIM” menu to reflect length and depth of content
- Mini Sim: Modified Ashworth Scale
- Updated description
- Mini Sim: Ten Meter Walk Test
- Updated description
- Knee Extension Abduction Internal Rotation
- Corrected video description to accurately describe ending position
- Replaced “degree” symbols to maximize compatibility
ATu Simulations Emergency Care Simulations
- Emergency Care Simulations – all simulations were updated to ensure accessibility standards are met
ATu Simulations On-Field Simulations
- On-Field Simulations – all simulations were updated to ensure accessibility standards are met
MMT Simulation
- Knee MMT Simulation
- Question 2 (question asking the learner to put the patient’s knee in the correct position for testing) – slider settings were updated to decrease sensitivity and improve the learner’s chances of achieving the correct answer.
August 2023
Posture Simulation
- Central Low Back Pain (25 Year-Old Male with )
- Incorrect video (rectus femoris stretching) was displayed on the manual therapy slide. It is now corrected (iliopsoas inhibition).
Orthopaedics Simulation
- Ankle Pain and Stiffness Mini Sim
- Typo corrected in objective testing ortho pyramid. Now reads “anterior-posterior glides”
Interprofessional Education
- Neurologic Rehabilitation Macro SIM
- Sim was not appearing on webpage. Problem has been fixed and sim is accessible now.
Orthopaedics App
- Cervical Accessory Mobility
- Updated text to reflect “accessory” motion rather than “physiologic”
- Kim Test
- Updated “Related Objective Measures” to include Crank Test, Jerk Test, and Biceps Load II Test for labral pathology screening
- Median Nerve Slider and Tensioner
- Updated purpose and title to include tensioner intervention
Medical Screening App
- Released the new medical screening app
- Various updates and fixes to hyperlinks
Mental Health App
- Updated OTu with the “Occupational Therapy Practice Framework” and “Occupational Therapy Mental Health Assessments” pages
Post-Op App
- Updated text in rehab phases to correct errors
- Corrected typos
- Removed discipline-specific text from patient education sections
July 2023
NeuroExam App
- ASIA Sensory Exam
- Updated dermatome sensory testing videos and text to include “pin prick” sensation rather than “sharp/dull discrimination”
ATu Emergency Care Simulation
- High School Soccer Sim
- Changed wording on question 11 to ensure learners only type one answer to ensure they don’t incorrectly get it wrong
June 2023
Neuro Mini Sim
- Timed Up and Go Sim
- Adjusted functionality – moved buttons and stopwatch on interactive slide so they do not cover the video controls
User Experience Platform Upgrade
Tool Bar
- Sidebar tool menu has moved to the top right of the page.
- Tools in the sidebar are replaced with tool buttons in the content section.
- Educator Resources tools
- Share tools
- Bookmark tools
- Exercise Program tools
Medical Dictionary
- Medical dictionary is added (green dotted underline)
- It is available in English and Spanish. More languages are rolling out soon.
- Search box is now located at the upper right corner of the header
- It can be accessed from the keyboard shortcut with this key (/)
My Account:
- My account page has three tabs:
- Profile: To manage your personal account information
- Products: To view your products in one place
- Activation Code: To activate your given activation code
MSK Decision Tree: Video preview feature
- Video preview is added for quick reference (look for green dotted line with video icon)
May 2023
Acute Care Interactive Review
- Medical Abbreviation
- Some users were getting the incorrect answer if they added a space after the fill in the blank question. The answers were adjusted so the users will get the correct answer regardless of whether or not there is a space after the answer
March/April 2023
Evidence-Based Taping
- Gluteus medius facilitation
- Corrected typo in patient education section
- Red Flag Conditions
- Added Ottawa Ankle Rules to ankle/foot page
ROM, MMT, Palpation
- Ankle Dorsiflexion Standing
- Corrected text for “Testing Motion” section to reflect standing patient position
February 2023
Ortho MacroSIM
- Knee Osteoarthritis Sim
- Corrected reference link from the Knee Pain and Mobility Impairments CPG to Australia’s Guideline of Hip and Knee OA
- Deleted “retry” button so users don’t lose record of all scores
- Lateral Ankle Pain Sim
- Replaced LEFS with a true depiction of the patient’s responses on the LEFS
- Corrected typo on question 9
Interprofessional Simulation
- Added image of a scored Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
- Added explanation of the GCS total scores
Wound Care MacroSIM
- Diabetic Neuropathy (65 year-old-male)
- Reformatted text content for readability
Physical Agents Sim
- Upper Extremity Iontophoresis Simulation
- The answer key now reflects the correct answers
Ortho MacroSIM
- 38 Year Old with Hip and Leg Pain
- Updated outcome measure (LEFS) so it is a true representation of the patient’s
January 2023
Cardiopulmonary App
- Updated reference values for ankle brachial index (ABI) testing
Ortho Macro SIM: Knee Osteoarthritis
- Corrected scoring settings so the two intervention questions will not count towards the learner’s overall score. Previously, learners could only achieve 85%, now they are able to achieve 100%
Interprofessional Education Simulation
- Updated settings of a slide to improve user accessibility (enabling keyboard to operate buttons as with mouse)
NeuroAnatomy Explorer
- Corrected question feedback on answer key for NeuroAnatomy Challenge #4
- Question regarding the 5 functions of the frontal lobe
Neuro Exam App
- Provided new content to the Vestibular portion of our Neuro Exam app, including the following assessments:
- VOMS assessment (8 videos)
- Bow test
- Lean test
- Updated ASIA exam references and MMT grades to reflect most recent changes
December 2022
Acute Care App
- Launched the new Acute Care app
Musculoskeletal Decision Tree
- Launched the new MSK Decision Tree app
Acute Care Interactive Review
- Corrected description of Electrocardiogram: Atrial Rhythm
November 2022
Neuro MacroSIMs
- Corrected “Educator Information” for stroke case study.
- Added “Educator Information” for the SCI case study.
Interprofessional Simulation
- Updated duration of simulation to 75 – 90 minutes
- Improved gamification and playability with the addition of clickable icons
- Increased interactions with video reflection questions
- Added additional questions pertaining to patient and clinician safety
- Created an answer key for faculty to reference
- Updated publishing settings for slight improvement in video quality
- Included more feedback to enhance students’ learning and retention
Physical Agents App & Cervical Traction Simulation
- Updated cues for traction set up on the web app (consolidated them and added the typical cervical flexion angle of 20-30 degrees)
- Updated cervical traction simulation question about the set up sequence to match the app; included help icons referencing students to the app if they need assistance answering questions
Orthopaedics App
- Added and updated video content to reflect most recent Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs):
- Patellofemoral dysfunction
- Added or updated videos for Clarke’s sign and patella compression test, vastus medialis contraction test, Waldrons, patellar apprehension test, patellar tilt test
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sprain (Physical Exam)
- Added or updated content for edema assessment, lower quarter muscle weakness, instrumented muscle strength testing, and activity limitation and participation restriction measures
- Added videos for balance and proprioception testing:
- Perturbation training
- Single limb stance skaters
- Single limb romanian deadlift
- Star excursion balance test and exercise
- Single limb balance training progression
- Added videos for return to sport:
- T test
- Side hops
- Square jumps
- Added videos for motor coordination testing:
- T Test
- Lateral shuffle
- Acceleration and deceleration
- Reactive cutting
- Hamstring strain
- Added more videos according to most recent evidence-based therapeutic exercises:
- Chair scoot
- Hamstring strengthening in prone and sitting
- Supine eccentric strengthening
- Supine swissball rollouts
- Romanian deadlift with hamstring bias
- Nordic hamstring strengthening
October 2022
Acute Care Simulations
“Cardiopulmonary Anatomy MicroLearning Sim” – brand new simulation that will help users be confident in their understanding of heart and lung anatomy and basic functioning.
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation App
Modified instructions for the Rubor of Dependency and Venous Filling time test
- Delineated that the patient’s leg should be at 60 degrees of hip flexion for 1 minute OR 45 degrees of hip flexion for 3 minutes
- Added other interpretation values (ie, 10-15 seconds is normal, but 15-25 seconds indicates moderate arterial occlusion)
Edited table for Well’s Clinical Prediction Rule
- Removed last row (duplicate)
- Added description of likely alternative diagnoses
- Included score interpretations
Orthopaedics App
- Continued updates to reflect most recent CPG content
September 2022
Range of Motion App
Updated Wrist Extension ROM app. The large goniometer was replaced with a smaller (wrist) goniometer.
Physical Agents App
Updated the contraindications and precautions in accordance with the published literature for the following physical agents:
- Thermotherapy: Hot pack, fluidotherapy, and paraffin
- Cryotherapy: Cold pack and ice massage
- Ultrasound
- NMES (all)
- Iontophoresis
- Phonophoresis
- Traction (lumbar and cervical)
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation App
Updated 6MWT instructions to align with the guidelines from the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Exercise Patterns App
Updated Total Knee Arthroplasty sections
Neuroanatomy App
Added new explainer video for the spinocerebellar tract
Simulations / eLearning
Ortho MacroSIM (CPG-based, PhysioU/ATu only)
This is a new macro simulation based on the knee pain and mobility deficits CPG. It contains live videos of a real patient’s subjective reports as well as the clinician’s assessments. The learner has a unique opportunity to develop their own treatment plan for this patient at the end of the simulation.
Educator info added to orthopedic mini and macro sims
Physical Agents
Corrected/updated the question about contraindications in the following simulations to ensure they match what is listed in the Physical Agents App
- Cervical Traction
- Hot Pack
- Iontophoresis
- TENS LB sensory
- Ultrasound
On-Field Care (ATu only)
Updated sims publishing settings, such as the estimated duration (previously stated a very low number such as “36 seconds.”)
- Ankle
- Dental
- Finger
- Knee
Emergency Care (ATu only)
Corrected error in the sim settings so it will record each attempt performed by the students. Updated faulty NATA link in 2 of the sims. Updated sims include:
- Baseball
- Clinic
- HS Soccer
- Soccer
- Lacrosse
August 2022
Simulations / eLearning
Our team continues to update our apps and simulations in accordance with updated literature and guidelines. We highly value user feedback as this helps us to improve our users’ experience with the simulations. Recently, our neuroanatomy, assistive devices, acute care, and neurologic mini and micro simulations have been updated.
First and foremost, all objectives have been improved according to Bloom’s Taxonomy so educators and learners will have a better understanding of what the simulation will accomplish. Errors with playability and navigation have been solved, closed captioning and alternate text has been reviewed to ensure accessibility standards are met, and terminology has been adapted to include clinicians across disciplines.
Additional changes have been made to certain simulations, including the following:
Range of Motion
Visible targets were added to prevent confusion
Acute Care
Correction of auscultation sites
Neurologic MiniSim
- 10 Minute Walk test scoring has been corrected
Neuroanatomy Microlearning
- All simulations will have feedback for every question to enhance learner’s experience
Updated modules:
- BED MOBILITY (Assistive Devices MicroLearning Sim)
- Question 3 and 10 rephrasing
- Ten Meter Walk Test (Neuro MiniSIM)
- Fixed formatting error for buttons
- BRACING (Acute Care MicroLearning)
- CC in video changed to replace “physical therapist” with clinician
- LYMPHEDEMA (Wound Care MicroLearning Sim)
- Rephrased question 13 to specify purpose of HEP
- Questions 4 and 5 – fixed states (programming) of available answers to ensure proper visibility/presentation
- Changed goniometer image on question 2 from large goniometer to finger goniometer
- Changed goniometer image on review slide from large goniometer to finger goniometer
- Changed goniometer image on question 2 from large goniometer to finger goniometer
- Changed goniometer image on review slide from large goniometer to finger goniometer
- Typo fixed on patient intro slide from “was my hair” to “wash my hair”
- Changed verbiage on patient intro slide from physical therapy to rehabilitation
- Changed question 2 to include all contraindications, including open wound
- WRIST AND HAND PAIN (17 year old female) (Orthopedic Macro SIM)
- Changed “physical therapist” to rehabilitation on patient intro slide
- Fixed programming error by changing trigger at end of sim to solve issue of sim not saving at the end
- Changed verbiage to omit “physical therapy” on SOAP note slide assessment tab
- Changed plan tab to include weeks of planned rehab on SOAP note slide
- Included the term “pendulums” on HEP slide
- Question 2 changed feedback to read “correct” when the user is correct
- Changed all text on SOAP note slide assessment tab
- Fixed spelling error of “Spurling’s Compression” on objective tests slide
- NEUROANATOMY CHALLENGE I (Neuroanatomy MicroLearning)
- Added feedback to all questions that did not yet have feedback
- NEUROANATOMY CHALLENGE II (Neuroanatomy MicroLearning)
- Added feedback to all questions that did not yet have feedback
- NEUROANATOMY CHALLENGE III (Neuroanatomy MicroLearning)
- Added feedback to all questions that did not yet have feedback
- NEUROANATOMY CHALLENGE IV (Neuroanatomy MicroLearning)
- Added feedback to all questions that did not yet have feedback