PT/PTA Faculty webinar: Teaching movement with mobile apps- Gait/Neuro/Peds/Ortho

Faculty, Gait, Live webinar, Neurology

Overcoming the challenges of teaching human movement using new mobile apps to enhance deep learning in physical therapy education.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT and Dr. James Syms, PT, DSc in an interactive discussion about developing and using mobile apps to teach human movement.

1. Teaching movement with mobile apps- Gait/Neuro/Peds/Ortho

2. How we train students to learn about movement

3. A glimpse into the future with functional movement app & Neurologic movement Dysfunction app

4. Open discussion with faculty group 

Many PT/PTA schools are using PhysioU as the required learning tool and  beta testing in the classroom. Our top-rated clinical reasoning apps are making a huge impact on thousands of students.

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