Our Distinguished Partners in Education

Join the hundreds of institutions worldwide who are elevating health science education with our evidence-based tools. Select a specialty to explore our partner programs.

A person holding a laptop while seated at a table, focused on the task at hand

"Our students love these videos for learning! Also, Physiou is always expanding and improving. Thanks again! "

Laura Schwanebeck
PTA Program Director, Northeast Community College

"Physiou is very thorough and well-referenced. "

Stephen Kareha
PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CMP, CSCS, Arcadia University

"Physiou truly made my job easier by providing reliable information in one location. "

Laurie Daigle
PTA Program Director, Germanna Community College

"I love the mini sims! I am a true believer in this app. "

Julie Feeny, PT MS
Program Director, PTA Program, Illinois Central College

"Thank you all for the hard work and dedication to educating our PTs and PTAs! ! I love your app and use it for almost all of my courses in PTA education! "

Nijah Chinn-Gonsalves, DHSc
PTA Program Director, ECPI University

"Physiou has been a great addition to my courses. With the need for flexibility and change to more hybrid and online teaching and learning, Physiou has made that easier for both students and faculty. "

Jeff Kittelson, PT, ScD
Assistant Professor, College of St. Scholastica

"This app is also very well detailed."

Andrew Morcos, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS,

Director of Rehabilitation, University of Southern California

"It is very thorough and well referenced."

Stephen Kareha, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CMP, CSCS
Director of Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency at St. Luke’s
Adjunct Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Arcadia University*

*Ranked #14 Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in the United States

"No matter what your learning style is, the app has everything a clinician and mentor need. "

Michael B. Gans, PT, DPT, OCS
Vice President of the Connecticut Chapter,
American Physical Therapy Association
Professional Pledge Ceremony Keynote Speaker 2012
University of Pittsburgh* Doctor of Physical Therapy Program

"Clinical Pattern Recognition app is an excellent, ‘must-have’ tool."

David Cameron, PT, PhD, OCS, ATC
Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy
Sacred Heart University

"The ideal blend of classification-based diagnostics with movement science."

Daniel A. Farwell, PT, MS, DPT
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Azusa Pacific University

Adventist University of Health Sciences
Akita University-Akita, Japan
Alabama State University
Alamo College
Allegany College of Maryland
American Career College
Amref International University-Nairobi, Kenya
Anderson University
Andrews University
Anne Arundel Community College
Azusa Pacific University
Atenas College
Augusta University
Augustana University
Baker College
Bay State College
Baylor University
Belmont University
Bishop State Community College
Bradford School
Bradley University
Briar Cliff University
Brookline College
Bryant and Stratton College
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
California Baptist University
California State University, Fresno
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Northridge
Carrington College, Boise ID campus
Carrington College, Las Vegas
Carrington College, Mesa
Carrington College, Pleasant Hill
Carthage College
Casa Loma College
Castleton University
CBD College
Cecil College
Central Georgia Technical College
Chapman University
Charleston Southern University
Chattahoochee Tech
Chicago State University
Chippewa Valley Technical College
City Colleges of Chicago
Clark State Community College
Clarkson University
Clovis Community College
College of Southern Idaho
College of St. Scholastica
College of the Sequoias
College of Western Idaho
Colorado Community College System
Concord Career Institute
Concorde Career College
Connecticut State Colleges & Universities
Corinthians University of Applied Sciences
Creighton University
Delaware Technical Community College-George Campus
Delta College
Desales University
Dixie State University
Dominican College
Dominican University
Drake University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
East Tennessee State University
Elgin Community College
Flathead Valley Community College
Florida A&M University
Florida Gateway College
Florida International University
Florida National University
Fox College
Franklin College
Franklin Pierce College
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Germanna Community College
Governors State College
Graceland University
Grand Valley State University
Green River College
Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts
Hanover College
Hawkeye Community College
Heartland Community College
Henry Ford College
Herzing University
Hocking College
Hofstra University
Howard Community College
Husson University
Hutchinson Community College
Idaho State University
Illinois Central College
Indian Capital Technology Center-Connors State College
Indian Hills Community College
Indiana State University
Indiana University
Interamerican University of Puerto Rico-Ponce, Puerto Rico
Itawamba Community College
Jackson State Community College
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Kankakee Community College
Kapiolani Community College
Kean University
Kennebec Valley Community College
Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Kirkwood Community College
Kirkwood Linn County Regional Center
La Guardia Community College
Lackawanna College
Lakeland College
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Langston University
Loma Linda University
Lone Star College – Montgomery
Louisiana State University Health Shreveport
Macomb Community College Center
Malcolm X College
Marist College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Mary Baldwin University
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
McHenry County College
Medical University of South Carolina
Mendocino College
Mercer University
Messiah University
MGH Institute of Health Professions
Miami Dade College
Midwestern University
Midwestern University-Glendale Campus
Misericordia University
Mississippi Delta Community College
Missouri Western State University
Montgomery County Community College
Morton College
Mount Saint Mary’s University
Murray State College
Nash Community College
New England Institute of Technology
North Central College
North Central State College
North Idaho College
North Iowa Area Community College
North Shore Community College
Northeast Community College
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University
Northland Community and Technical College
Northwest Arkansas Community College
Northwest Florida State College
Northwest Wisconsin Technical College
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Norwalk Community College
Nova Southeastern University
Ohio State University
Ohlone College
Oklahoma State University
Ono Academic College-Kiryat Ono, Israel
Owens Community College
Ozarks Technical Community College
Panola College
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania Institute of Technology
Pennsylvania Western University
Pepperdine University
Pierpont Community and Technical College
Pima Medical Institute
Plymouth State University
Polk State College
Prairie State College
Professional Skills Institute
Pueblo Community College
Quincy College
Rasmussen College
River Valley Community College
Riverside College of Health Careers
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
Rosalind Franklin University
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
Rowan College of South Jersey
Sacramento City College
Sacred Heart University
Salt Lake Community College
Samford University
San Diego Mesa College
San Francisco State University
San Juan College
Sante Fe College
Seminole State College
Shasta College
Shenandoah University
Sinclair Community College
Slippery Rock University
Somerset Community College
South Arkansas Community College
South College
South University
South Plains College
Southern Nazarene University
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Southwest Baptist University
Spokane Falls Community College
Springfield Technical Community College
St. Philip’s College
Stark State College
State College of Florida
State Technical College of Missouri
Taylor College
Tennessee State University
Texas State University
Texas Tech University of Health Sciences
Texas Woman’s University
The Ohio State University
Touro University
Trident Technical College
Tufts University
Tulsa Community College
Union College
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alberta-Alberta, Canada
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
University of Central Florida
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
University of Findlay
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii Manoa
University of Iceland-Reykjavík, Iceland
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Iowa
University of Kansas Medical Center
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Minnesota
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of North Texas Health Science Center
University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
University of Puget Sound
University of Rhode Island
University of Saint Mary
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of South Florida
University of Southern California Spine Fellowship
University of Southern Mississippi
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
University of the Cumberlands
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee Health Sciences
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
University of The Incarnate Word
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of West Alabama
University of Wisconsin- La Crosse
University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
University System of New Hampshire
Utah Tech University
VCU Physical Therapy
Vermont State University
Victoria College
Virginia’s Community Colleges
Volunteer State Community College
Walsh University
Washtenaw Community College
Wayne State University
Western Kentucky University
Western Technical College
Western University of Health Sciences
Whatcom Community College
Wingate University
Winona State University
Wichita State University
Worcester State University

"The neuroexam portion of the OTU app has been extremely helpful for students when reviewing testing for both stroke and spinal cord. It provides a step by step guide and video to review during their hands on practice in labs. I would highly recommend this for any student and practitioner! "

Kelsee Hove, OTD, OTR/L
CBIS Assistant Professor

"This app has been extremely helpful during both my Kinesiology class and Orthotic fabrication/hands class. It is a great tool to utilize when you need extra explanation/demonstration outside of the classroom to practice and review skills. "

Keli Zemke
OTD Student

"Unlike other students, i don’t have a photographic memory. I’m the type of student that will visit and revisit the material in order for me to understand it. The OTu website allows me to do just that! The website itself is very easy to navigate and the material on the website is clear, concise, and extremely informative. "

Lizette Cruz
OTD Student

"OTu brings the textbook to real life! OTu has been a vital asset for my doctorate level Occupational Therapy students and should be incorporated into every OT program. "

David Plutschack, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CLT, CEASII
Assistant Professor

Alamo Colleges
Bates Tech College
Briar Cliff University
Chicago State University
College of Saint Mary
Community College System of New Hampshire
Des Moines University
Dominican College
Dominican University of New York
Drake University
Elmhurst University
Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
Hanover College
Hawaii Pacific University
Hawkeye Community College
Illinois Central College
Indian Capital Technology Center
Indiana State University
Interamerica University of Puerto Rico
Joyce University
Kirkwood Community College
Mary Baldwin University
Medical University of South Carolina
Messiah University
MGH Institute Of Health Professions
Middle Georgia State University
Midwestern University
Monmouth University
Murray State University
Nevada System of Higher Education
New England Institute of Technology
North Dakota University System
Northeastern State University
Northern Arizona University
Pacific University
Panola College
Point Loma Nazarene University
Radford University
Shenandoah University
Southern California University of Health Sciences
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Spokane Falls Community College
St. Catherine University
St. Charles Community College
The Ohio State University
Tulsa Community College
Union College
Universidad de Puerto Rico
University of Minnesota
University of South Alabama
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Villa Maria College
Walsh University
Widener University

"ATu has allowed Grand View University to move away from both self-curated and procured video student resources."

Christopher Viesselman, EdD, LAT, ATC
Director of the Master of Science in Athletic Training program,
Grand View University (Des Moines, IA)

"Our program no longer uses textbooks for classes. We use literature, supplemented with ATu."

Ryan Krzyzanowicz, DAT, ATC
Clinical Associate Professor and Director, University at Buffalo

"ATu was a game changer for our program and students. The apps are clearly designed and easy to navigate."

Kristin LoNigro, MSEd, ATC
Assistant Professor, Clinical Education Coordinator, Hofstra University

"One of the things that I like about ATu is that all of the things that relate to the ankle are right there-the assessment, the modality, the exercise."

Scott L. Bruce, EdD, LAT, ATC
Associate Dean for Research, Associate Professor, Arkansas State University

Adrian College
Arkansas State University
Augustana University
Bellarmine University
California State University, Fresno
Carroll University
Castleton University
Colorado State University Pueblo
Duquesne University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View University
High Point University
Hofstra University
Idaho State University
Ithaca College
Louisiana State University
Midland University
Minnesota State University – Moorhead
North Central College
North Dakota State University
Northern Arizona University
Norwich University
Pennsylvania Western University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Purdue University
Radford University
Roanoke College
Shenandoah University
Springfield College
Texas A&M University
The University of Southern Mississippi
The University of Tampa
The University of Texas at Arlington
The University of West Alabama
Union University
University at Buffalo
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
University of Delaware
University of Hawaii System
University of Kansas Medical Center
University of Miami
University of North Florida
University of South Carolina
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Utah Tech University
Vermont State Colleges System
Wayne State University
West Chester University
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Winona State University
Youngstown State University

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