Introducing the new Vision app from OTu! Join OTu Education Lead, Dr. Yvonne Randall, EdD, MHA, OTR/L, FAOTA, for a live tutorial on one of the newest additions to the OTu suite of apps and e-learning simulations.
This webinar will show you how to leverage the app to incorporate the following into your courses:
Vision changes over the lifespan
Common neurologic and trauma-based conditions that affect vision
Patient/client education on the use of adaptive tools to enhance safety and engagement with their preferred occupations
Register today to join the faculty discussion and start using the OTu Vision app to enhance teaching and improve student outcomes!
00:00 Yvonne Introduction
01:17 Chris Schmidt Introduction
02:37 Faculty Questions posed related to vision content
04:05 Graded Exposure for Skill Training
05:27 Creating Efficiant Lab Handouts
06:08 Supporting Students Through the Entire Curriculum
08:37 ACOTE Standards11:50OTu Suite Apps
19:08 Vision App
48:10 Learn more about how OTu can help you transform your classroom
48:25 Educator Resources
51:47 Questions/comments